International Bees

Kulüp Başkanı Abdulbar Aqrah

Istanbul Technical University International Student Club ’ITU International Bee’s. The aims of the club are: firstly grouping all international students at Istanbul Technical University under one roof. Help international students adjust to university life, especially new students. Help in solving everyday problems. Organize various social and sports activities in order to strengthen ties and exchange experiences. Seek to resolve academic challenges together and improve conditions of study for international students. Organize cultural tours in Turkey and Istanbul especially. Organize cultural days for the purpose of introducing different cultures… Get acquainted and familiar with the Turkish culture.

Genel Aktiflik Sıralaması:
6 ay önce
12 ay önce
Kültür-Sanat Kulüpleri Aktiflik Sıralaması:
6 ay önce
12 ay önce
arı24 Aktiflik Puanı:
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